I built a computer for someone back a few months ago with an XFX Geforce 8200 motherboard and a Phenom x4 cpu, at first everything was fine but after a few weeks it began acting up. It even fragged the Linux kernal on one install, it had multiple problems listed in the logs most of which led to the cpu.After giving it some thought I got a new Asus motherboard identicle to mine I use every day and bought an Athlon 64 X2 7550 cpu. I swapped the motherboard out and put the XFX one with the new cpu in my second computer I use for my personal weather station and stuff because I wanted to get to the bottom of the problem, Well its been about 3 weeks and so far I have had no problems at all with it. The CPU I put in it is a screamer it has the KUMA core and 3 MB cache. I even overclocked it some to try and get it do do something but so far its been running fine and I even like the motherboard and its features. I also put 2 GB of the OCZ SLI memory in it and that even works like a charm. After not finding anything wrong with my new setup I decided to just keep it and see how things go. That left me with a pile of spare parts laying about so I built a Frankenputer with all of it and handed it off to my youngest son.
who's better AMD or Intet????
What is your recommendation for a Linux machine - buy a 'factory' rig from a store or build one?
Mike, for a LINUX install I would without a doubt build my own for a few reasons #1 you don't have pay for the factory installed windows, unless you plan on dual booting then maybe that would be the road to go, Building your own system is also much cheaper and you can build it the way you want. I usually try and get a motherboard cpu combo tiger direct has deals on them, But is money is an issue you can always go on places like www.computergeeks.com and buy a used system that has no OS and install LINUX.
Hi sparky, i have this mobo but with a athlon x2, i'm tired to try to install ubuntu with this mobo, do you know how install ubuntu or any linux distro with this mobo?
or it's imposible?
thanks for your time
I never found why i had trouble with this motherboard and linux, the only success i ever had was with Mandriva 2010 Ubuntu was hit or miss i could never get everything to work.
yesterday, i tried with mandriva spring 2010 and it didn't pass from the splash with the "circle" running, what did you use? one or free? 32 or 64 bits?
sorry by the troubles
I used the Spring 64 Free edition, One thing i did do is i used a EVGA Geforce 8400 video card in it.i cant find the exact model online but it was very close to this one http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5642526&CatId=3670
Thanks a lot Sparky, i'm going to try with 64 bits, i found something researching on internet, with ubuntu 8.10 in the menu of install, you can press F6 and delete "quiet splash" and put "pci=nosmi" and ind the installation you see the disks, it is a small step i think, i will try with you form today, thanks a lot again.
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